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Hammock promotes deeper sleep

HongKate |

How Sleeping In A Hammock Can Give You A Better, Deeper Sleep

It has been found that regularly lacking sleep can seriously affect physical and mental health:leading to memory loss, accelerated human aging, and even psychological problems such as depression.

But did you know, there have been studies done that suggest sleeping in a hammock improves sleep and helps you sleep deeper and longer.

To learn more about just how powerful sleeping in a hammock can be, especially for promoting deeper sleep, read on.

How Hammocks Can Promote Better Sleep

It's no surprise that the gentle rocking of a hammock helps people fall asleep faster. But the rocking motion also contributes to having a deeper and longer sleep.

The position of the body in a hammock also promotes a better quality of sleep than the many unhealthy sleep positions we find ourselves in on flat mattresses.

When you sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated - as you would in a hammock - your breathing will be unobstructed, and your brain will have optimal blood circulation instead of congestion.

Hammocks also provide zero-pressure-point ergonomics, so there is no pressure placed on your body as you sleep, which is something even the most comfortable mattresses can't provide.

So, when you use a hammock as a bed, you're more likely to benefit from a relaxing, comfortable, and healthy sleep.

The Science Behind Rocking Motion and Aiding Sleep

According to a study published in Current Biology, sleeping in a rocking motion makes it easier to fall asleep and also improves the quality of sleep by causing stronger brain waves.

While studying the brain waves of participants in a rocking bed vs a stationary bed, researchers found that rocking decreased the transition time for falling asleep and increased the length of N2 sleep - a type of non - REM sleep that makes up half of a good night's sleep.

Rocking also increased the amount of slow oscillation, or slow-wave activity - an indicator of deep sleep - and sleep spindle brain waves. Sleep spindles are correlated with tranquil sleep in noisy environments. So the spindles could be a sign that the brain calms sleepers stuck in noisy environments, along with other sensory stimulation, such as sleeping in a rocking motion.

The swinging motion synchronizes brain action and supports endogenous (self-sustained) sleep rhythms-e.g. like other constant sleeping conditions, such as complete darkness.

Spindles are also associated with the ability to remember new information, along with the brain's ability to rewire itself-which is referred to as brain plasticity.

Hammock promotes sleep

What Happens When You Sleep Deeper

While all stages of a sleep cycle are beneficial to your mental and physical health, the deeper sleep stage and REM sleep stage are especially important.

During deeper sleep stages, your body repairs itself. Energy is restored, the immune system is strengthened, and tissues and muscles are repaired. Your brain is also restoring itself, so a deeper sleep improves brain plasticity and the ability to remember new information.

Getting enough quality sleep improves your overall mental, cognitive, and physical health and function, including hormone regulation. So, as a result of getting a deeper sleep every night, you can benefit from:

1. Elevated Mood

Feeling well-rested when you wake up - especially if you're not a morning person - can help you wake up on the right side of the bed - or hammock - as they say.

Having a quality sleep with a healthy amount of deep sleep will prime your mind for the day. Your hormones will be better balanced, and your mood won't be as cranky as it would be if you slept too little.

2. Improved Performance

The brain activity of a deep sleep improves concentration, which is important for performing well in your day-to-day life, including at work or school. The increased ability to form new memories makes for successful learning, studying, and performing. And this can also affect your ability to perform in your personal life as well, such as being more attentive and proactive in your home life.

3. Better Memory

Being forgetful can be a nuisance at the best of times and downright frustrating when it affects your quality of life. We can be forgetful at times, especially when we’re distracted or stressed out. But our ability to make new memories is so important for our life experiences and ability to function well at work, school, home, and in life in general.

4. More Physically Active

When you are well-rested, your energy is restored, and your muscles are repaired, so it's easier to stay motivated to exercise daily. You likely won't want to hit up the gym or go for a jog if you're feeling sluggish after a poor night's sleep. But if you had a deeper sleep, you'll likely have more pep in your step and feel empowered to push your body.

Since the gentle rocking of a hammock can help people fall asleep faster and have a longer, deeper sleep, swapping your regular bed for a hammock might be the cure for your insomnia.

We often take for granted the importance of getting a good night's sleep. But getting enough quality sleep every night is the difference between barely functioning and performing successfully in all aspects of your life.

So if you have trouble sleeping, try swapping your bed for a hammock so you can rock into a relaxing, deep sleep that can help improve your quality of life.


We purchased this last week for a vacation rental home that we own in Florida. Everyone that stayed with us at the home that tried the hammock loved it. They all said it was very comfortable to lay and sleep on.


Lie down diagonal. @Renaissance Man

Emily Lambert,

I’m 6’1 and not the smallest guy ever, whereas my wife is on the petite side at barely over 5’. We both comfortably enjoy this, separately and at the same time. It’s extremely comfortable, the little pillow is actually better than I expected, and it seems really sturdy so far.


How do you get the hammock to stay open while you are lying in it? It’s covering my whole face and body while lying in it!

Renaissance Man,

I love everything about this. I’ve replace my bed with this as I’m a single simple guy. I’ve never slept better. Just wrap up and doze off in less than two minutes and sleep better than any bed I’ve ever had. Easy to assemble and disassemble.

Jen Steele,

This thing has totally revolutionized my camping sleep experience.

Melissa M.,

For the unbelievably low price and easy,easy to assemble this can’t be beat! No more sleep aids! I get in and am asleep within 5 minutes


Bought for daughter, she is a big girl, wanted one to sleep in for her back, she loves it!

Lynne Spreen,

I had Back surgery and couldn’t get a solid nights sleep for years. I bought this and set it up next to our bed in the bedroom and I sleep like a Rock. If my back is hurting i just lay in this and I wake up feeling Like a new Person .

Tim Janson,

I have lower back pain that would wake me up, prevent me from getting sleep and hurt when I would lay down. A lot of times I would sleep sitting up to prevent back pain. Desperate to try anything, I decided to give this hammock a shot since I read about the benefits of sleeping on a hammock.

Shelley Gammon,

It just happens my back has been hurting lately and having trouble sleeping, I drug this hammock into the house and have slept very well the last two nights waking up feeling better than from the bed, couch, recliner dance I usually do at night.


After sleeping in a hammock my back is not stiff, I can move freely as soon as I wake up. I stay in a deeper sleep longer, I haven’t tossed and turned since I started sleeping in my hammock. A little added information, I’m 6’2" and it’s amazingly comfortable.

Bob Milne,

I bought this as a travel bed when I rent places to stay for work which are unfurnished. Saved me a ton of money on renting furniture. Can be used as a bed or chair. Once you get used to being swaddled, it is actually more comfortable than a bed. I woke up every morning without pain or stiffness. It was nice sleeping with my feet elevated after being on them all day. My kitty also enjoyed sleeping in it.


Feels very ergonomic. Great night of sleep!


The hammock is adjustable so you can have a very loose, low hammock or pull back the slack to have a taut sleeping space. Very comfortably sleeps a grown adult, two adults can also fit. We outfit ours with a pillow and blanket, and it’s done!


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